DIY Accounting

Tools for better business that save on accountancy costs

Why use Xero?

Is Your Accounting System Costing You Time ..... and Money?

Most business people have more important tasks to do than key-punch bank statements.

Carpenters use an electric saw rather than a hand saw for the same reason - your time is valuable!

PC-based accounting systems are now ‘old technology’ and ridden with the perennial problems of database backups, corruptions and upgrades. Add to that all that keyboard data entry. It all takes time.

When a copy is taken off-site to another computer, who has the current status?

With Xero Accounting, you can do a lot better than that and save money in the process!

Because Xero is accessed via the Internet the system enables business owners and their accountants to work concurrently on the same database.

Most major businesses across the globe today rely on the Internet for delivery of information to keep their business processes and information systems up-to-date.

The over-night automatic back-feed from Internet Banking to Xero ensures that your bank transactions are accurate and always available for analysis.

Xero is secure, safe and totally reliable.

Using Xero means your accounting is always up-to-date. You can track your bottom line results on a daily basis and plan your cash flow from the 'dashboard' of key indicators.

Xero is a modern and remarkably cost-efficient way of running the finances of your business.

Xero is backed by a NZ Public Company including a number of major banks and key financial partners. With now over 200,000 users, Xero is a proven and reliable system that is easy to use.

If you are ready to save time and money while getting a better accounting tool to manage your business call us today on 0800 198 198 to get started.

Read more about Xero Customer Service with us.